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4.8 Understanding of Bandha
Jalandhara Bandha
Uddiyana Bandha
Mula Bandha
4.9 Understanding of Mudra
Hasta Mudras (chin, Chinmaya, Brahma, adi, jnana, Dhyana and Nasika)
4.10 Practices leading to Meditation and Dhyana Sadhana
Recitation of Pranava & Soham
Recitation of selected hymns, invocations and prayers from Vedas & Upanishadas
Body and breath awareness
Yoga Nidra
B. Teaching Skills (Methods of Teaching Yoga)
Essentials of good lesson plan: concepts, needs, planning of teaching Yoga (Shatkriya,
Asana, Pranayama & practices leading to Dhyana)
Principles of teaching Yoga protocol to different groups (beginners, children, youth,
women, Geriatric population, and special attention group).
Preparation for a Yoga class (before and during the class)
Factors influencing yoga teaching.
Class management in Yoga: its meaning and needs.
Conducting yoga practical lessons: Precautions & Contraindications of practices)
Salient features of Ideal Yoga Instructor.
Models of ideal Yoga lesson plans