Page 3 - Syllabus-AYTh.cdr
P. 3

YOG   Certification Board

                                                            Theory Syllabus

                    UNIT 1  Basic Principles of Yoga Therapy
                             1.1  Concept of Yoga: Its Definition, Aim, Objectives and Misconception.
                             1.2  Significance of Hatha Yoga Practices- Shatkriyas, Yogasana, Pranayama, Mudra
                                   and Bandha and Dhyana.
                             1.3   Guiding Principles to be followed by Yoga Therapy Assistant.
                             1.4     Roles and Responsibilities of Yoga therapy Assistant.
                             1.5     Scope and limitations of Yoga therapy Assistant.
                             1.6    Knowledge of vital parameters to assess general state of patients: Measurement
                                   of Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate, Pulse Rate and Body Temperature.
                             1.7     Knowledge of use of props: ropes/belt/cushions/special aids.
                             1.8     Importance of pre-procedural preparedness for therapeutic Yoga sessions.

                    UNIT 2  Yoga Therapy in Traditional Yoga Textsy
                             2.1   Basic  Knowledge  of   various  yogic  texts    such  as  Patanjala  Yogsutra,
                                   Hathapradipika, GherandaSamhita .
                             2.2     Knowledge of schools of Yoga: Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and
                                   Dhyana Yoga.
                              2.3    Concept of klesha, Concept of chitta vritti ,
                             2.4     Ashtanga  Yoga and its therapeutic importance.
                              2.5    Principles of Hathayoga , Hatha yogic practices in view of therapy.

                    UNIT 3  General Anatomy and Physiology
                             3.1  Basic knowledge of Human Body Skeleton; organization of body cells, tissues,
                                   Systems, membranes and glands.
                             3.2   Basic Knowledge of Anatomy and  Physiology of the following system ---
                                   Muscular, skeletal system; Digestive system; Respiratory system; Cardio vascular
                                   system; Excretory system; Endocrine system.

                    UNIT 4  Yoga and Allied Science
                             4.1   Knowledge of Yogic Principles - Ahara, Vihar, Achar- Vichar.
                             4.2   Alternative Therapy: Basic principles of  Ayurveda, Naturopathy.
                             4.3   Concept of holistic well being.
                             4.4   Yogic concept of healthy living: Tridosha,  Tri dhatu –Mala.
                             4.5   Therapeutic importance of Dincharya and Ritucarya,
                             4.6   Importance of Diet (Aahara).
                             4.7   Yoga as preventive and promotive health care.

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