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YOG   Certification Board

                                                          Theory Syllabus
                  UNIT 1  Philosophical Foundation of Yoga

                  1.1    Origin and General history and Development of Yoga( Pre vedic to contemporary
                         Period)  Definitions  of   Yoga  in  different  Yoga  texts,  Aim,  Objectives  and
                         Misconceptions about Yoga, True Nature and Principles of Yoga.
                  1.2    Meaning and Objectives of Darshana; Branches of Indian Philosophy; Nature of Yoga
                         in  Bharatiya  Darshana(Indian  Philosophy);  Salient  Features  of  Shad  Drashana;
                         Distinction between Indian Philosophy and Western Philosophy. Essence of Samkhya
                         Yoga and Vedanta Darshana ; General introduction to Nastika Darshana and their
                  1.3    Introduction to Vedas and Upanishads, Prasthanatrayee & Purushartha  Chatushtaya;
                         Yoga in Epics - Ramayana, Mahabharata; Nature of Yoga in Smritis, Puranas, Aagamas
                         and Tantras; Concept of Pancha-Kosha; concept of Nadi, Prana, Kundalini in Tantra,
                         Elements of Yoga in Narada Bhakti Sutra.
                  1.4    Evolution of Yoga:  Pre vedic to contemporary Period.
                  1.5    Yoga in Medieval period: Features of Natha Parampara, Bhakti Yoga of Medieval saints,

                         Characteristics of Yoga in Narada   Bhakti Sutras, Yoga in the Literature of Saints-
                         Kabirdas, Tulasidas and Surdas.
                  1.6    Elements  of   Yoga  in  Jainism(concept  of   syadvada,  Ratnatrya,  Kayotarga
                         Buddhism(concept of Aryasatyas, Arya-ashtangika-marga & Vipasana)and Sufism, Sufi
                         Meditation Techniques, Characteristics of Yoga in Sikhism, Elements of Sahaja Yoga or
                         Nama Yoga of Guru Nanak.
                  1.7    Yoga in Modern times : Yoga Traditions of Sri Ramakrishna an Swami Vivekananda,
                         Integral  Yoga  of  Shri  Aurbindo,  Yoga  of  Maharishi  Raman  and  Swami  Dayanand
                         Saraswati,  Yoga  Paramparas  from  modern  to  contemporary  times,  contribution  of
                         different Yoga guru in the development of Yoga.
                  1.8    Yoga  in  Contemporary  Times:  Knowledge  of   Yoga  Parmparas(lineages)  of
                         contemporary times; Yoga Parmpara of Yogacharya Sri T. Krishnamacharya, Swami
                         Rama of Himalayas, Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, Swami Dhirendra Brahmchari and their
                         contributions for the development and promotion of Yoga.
                  1.9    Schools of Yoga: Introduction to Schools (Streams) of Yoga.
                         1.9.1  Yoga Schools with Vedanta Tradition (Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, and Dhyana)
                         1.9.2  Yoga Schools with Samkhya Yoga Tradition (Patanjali Yoga)
                         1.9.3  Yoga Schools with Tantric Tradition (Hath Yoga, Swara Yoga and Mantra Yoga)

                  UNIT 2 Principles and Practices of Yoga in Traditional Texts

                  2.1    Principle Upanishads: Introduction to Upanishads, Essence of Principle Upanishads ;
                         Yogatattva in Principle Upanishads, Concept of Panchkosha, Tri-sharir, Omkara
                         Upasana; Ashtanga Yoga in Principle Upanishad.
                  2.2    Yogopanishads : Introduction to Yogopanishads ; Essence of Yogopanishads

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