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YOG   Certification Board

                          4.1.3  Salient features of ideal Yoga teacher, role of Yoga teacher in value-oriented
                                  education, role of Yoga in development of human society; Yogic Concepts for
                                  the Development of Four Fold Consciousness - Civic Sense, Patriotic Urge,
                                  Service Zeal and Spiritual Growth.
                          4.1.4  Teaching and Learning: Concept and Relationship between the two.
                          4.1.5  Physio-psychology
                   4.2    Yoga for Health & Well Being
                          4.2.1  Definition  &  Importance  of  Health  according  to  WHO;  Dimensions  of
                                  Health: Physical, Mental, Social and Spiritual level.
                          4.2.2  Concepts  of  Trigunas,  Pancha-mahabhutas,  Pancha-prana  and  their  role  in
                                  Health and Healing; Concept of Pancha-koshas & Shat-chakra and their role in
                                  Health and Healing.
                          4.2.3  Heyamdukhamanagatam;  Potential  causes  of  Ill-health:  Tapatrayas  and
                                  Kleshas, Physical and Physiological manifestation of Disease (Vyadhi, Alasya,
                                  Angamejayatva and Ssvasa-prashvasa); Role of Yoga in preventive health care.
                          4.2.4  Mental and Emotional ill Health: Concept of Antarayas (Styana, Samshaya,
                                  Pramada,  Avirati,  Bhranti-darsana,  Alabdha-bhumikatva,  Anavasthitatva,
                                  Duhkha and Daurmanasya); Role of Yoga in Mental and Emotional Health.
                          4.2.5  Yogic Diet - General Introduction of Ahara; Concept of Mitahara; Pathya and
                                  Apathya  according  to  Gheranda  Samhita,  Hathapradeepika  and  Bhagavad
                                  Gita;Importance of Yogic Diet in Yog Sadhana and its role in healthy living;
                                  Diet according to the body constitution (Prakriti) – Vata, Pitta and Kapha as also
                          4.2.6  Yogic Principles of Healthy Living: Ahara, Vihara, Achara and Vichara; Role of
                                  Yogic Positive Attitudes (Maitri, Karuna, Mudita and Upeksha) for Healthy
                                  Living, Concept of Bhavas and Bhavanas with its relevance in Health and well-
                   4.3    Yoga and Psychology:
                          Concept of Psychology, Meaning, definition and nature of consciousness as described
                           in Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagwad Gita, Yogasutra and Yogavashishtha; Spiritual and
                           scientific approach to human consciousness. Yogic Method of elevation of human
                           consciousness:  Bhaktiyoga,  Jnanyoga,  Karmayoga,  Mantrayoga,  Ashtangayoga,
                   4.4    Yoga for Stress Management:
                          Knowledge  of  Stress  and  its  consequences;  Yogic  Perspective  of  Stress;  Yogic
                          principles  for  the  management  of  Stress  and  its  consequences;  Concepts  and
                          Techniques of Stress Management in Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali and Bhagavad Gita,
                          specific  practices  for  stress  management,  breath  awareness,  shavasana,  Yoganidra,
                          pranayama and meditation, impact of yogic lifestyle on stress management.
                   4.5    Yoga and Sports:
                          Significance of Yoga in Physical Education & Sports, Dimensions of Physical Fitness:
                          Strength, Endurance and Flexibility; Indicators of Mental Fitness: Concentration, Will-
                          Power and Mental Strength and Cognitive abilities; Role of Yoga Practices for Physical
                          and  Mental  Health:  Shatkriyas,  Asana,  Pranayama,  Bandha,  Mudra  and  Dhyana;
                          Importance of Yogic lifestyle in improving efficacy in sports personnel.

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