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                    2.3    BhagavadGita:  General  Introduction  to  Bhagavad  Gita  (B.G.)  and  its  traditional
                            commentaries, their commentators, Essence of Bhagavadgita as a synthesis of karma,
                            Bhakti and Jnana Yoga; concept of sthitaprajna stages and characteristic of it. Relevance
                            of Samkhya Yoga and Atman(Purusha), Jivatman in Bhagavadgita and Jnana Yoga in the
                            context of Bhagavadgita; concept of karma Yoga, Nishkam Karma and Karma Phala;
                            Concept of Bhakti Yoga; features of Bhakt; Nature of Bhakti, Means and End of
                            Bhakti-Yoga; Nature of Dhyana as described in Bhagavadgita; concept and classification
                            of Ahara and Triguna as described in B.G; Importance of Bhagavadgita in day to day life.
                    2.4    Patanjali Yoga Sutra:
                           2.4.1  Introduction  to  Patanjala  Yoga  Darshana,  knowledge  of   Traditional
                                   commentaries and commentators of   Patanjala  Yoga Sutra, Metaphysics of
                                   Samkhya  and  its  relationship  with  Yoga  Darshana  of  Patanjali,  Concept  of
                                   Purusha  Prakrati,  twenty-five  entities  according  to  Samkhya,  Tapatryas;
                                   Relationship between Samkya and Yoga Darshana,  concept of Anthakaranas,
                                   Chitta, Chitta-Bhumis.
                           2.4.2  Concept of, chitta-vritti, chitta-vritti-nirodhopaya, concept of Ishwar and its
                                   relevance  in  Yogasadhana,  Qualities  of  Ishwar,  Ishwaraparidhana.  Chitta-
                                   Vikshepas (Antarayas)and concept of chitta-prasadanam, Relevance of Chitta-
                                   prasadanam in Yoga Sadhana.   Types and nature of Samadhi in Yoga Sutra,
                                   Ritambharaprajna  and  Adhyatmaprasada;  Difference  between  Samapatti  and
                           2.4.3  Kriya  Yoga  of  Patanjali,  Concept  of  Kleshas,  Heya,  Hetu,  Haana  and
                                   Hanopaya,Viveka-khyati; Significance of each limb of Ashtanga Yoga.
                           2.4.4  Concept  of  Vibhutis,  Ashtha  Siddhis  and  their  relevance  in  Yoga  Sadhana,
                                   concept of Parinamas and their relevance in Yoga Sadhana, Essence of Kaivalya
                                   in Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
                    2.5    Hatha Yoga Texts:
                           2.5.1  Knowledge of Hatha Yoga and Hatha Yoga Texts- Siddhasiddhanta paddhati,
                                   Hatha  Pradeepika,  Gheranda  Samhita,  Hatha  Ratnavali  and  Shiva
                           2.5.2  Importance of Hatha and its secrecy prerequisites of Hatha Yoga (dasha yama
                                   and dasha niyama);
                           2.5.3  Constructive  (Sadhaka)  and  Destructives  (Badhaka)  tattvas  in  Hatha  Yoga;
                                   Concept of Mattha, Mitaahara, Pathya and Apathya;
                           2.5.4  Shatkarma :- Knowledge of shatkarma theirTechniques benefits, precautions
                                   and contraindications mentioned in different Hatha Yogic Texts; Application
                                   and relevance of shatkarma in modern Days;
                           2.5.5  Yogasana: Knowledge of Yogasana, their Techniques, benefits, precautions and
                                   contraindications mentioned in different Hatha Yogic Texts; Application and
                                   relevance of Yogasana in modern Days;
                           2.5.6  Pranayama: : Knowledge of Pranayama, their Techniques, benefits, precautions
                                   and contraindications mentioned in different Hatha Yogic Texts; Application
                                   and relevance of Pranayama in modern Days.
                           2.5.7  Bandha & Mudra: Knowledge of Bandha & Mudra their Techniques, benefits,

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