Page 3 - Syllabus-AYTh.cdr
P. 3

YOG   Certification Board

                                                          Theory Syllabus

                   UNIT 1  Yoga and Human Body
                            A. Anatomy & Physiology:
                            1.1  Musculo-Skeletal System : Muscle - Classification - Histology - properties of
                                  each  type  -  distribution  -  Mechanism  of  muscle  contraction  (Brief)  -
                                  neuromuscular transmission (Brief), ligaments, tendons, Skeleton-Bones-types,
                                  Structure & function, Spinal column. Joints - Types, Structure, Functions.
                            1.2  Blood and Immune System: Composition of blood corpuscles - R.B.C., W.B.C.,
                                  Platelets.  Plasma,  Hemoglobin  -  Coagulation  of  blood  and  anticoagulants.
                                  Blood  groups  and  its  importance,  lymphatic  system  ,  Immunity  -  types  &
                            1.3   Cardiovascular system: Anatomy of Heart and blood vessels - -Innervations' of
                                  heart - Properties of cardiac muscle - Control of cardiac cycle and circulation -
                                  Cardiac output - Blood pressure.
                            1.4    Respiratory System: Anatomy-Gross & Histological - Mechanism of Breathing,
                                  Exchange  of  gases  Pulmonary  function  tests-lung  volumes  -  Control  of
                            1.5     Digestive system: Anatomy - Gross and Histological - Mechanism of secretion
                                  of - Saliva, Gastric Juice, Pancreatic Juice, Bile, Intestinal secretion - Role of
                                  these  secretions  in  digestion  of  food,  Absorption  and  assimilation  and
                                  formation of faces.
                            1.6    Excretory System and temperature regulation: Anatomy-Gross & Histology -
                                  Functions of glomerule and renal tubules Micturition and composition of urine
                                  - structure and functions of skin-Regulation of body temperature.
                            1.7     Endocrine System : Anatomy - Gross & Histological, Thyroid, Parathyroid,
                                  Supra  -  renal,  Pituitary,  Islets  of  Langerhans  -  Function  of  thyroid  and
                                  parathyroid hormone, effect of hypo and hyperactivity on the body. Hormones
                                  of supra-renal and their action and effect of hypo & hyper activity on the body.
                                  Hormones of pituitary gland- its action and  effect of hypo & hyper activity on
                                  the body. Role of insulin in glucose metabolism.
                            1.8     Special  senses  :  Eyes  Anatomy  -  Histology  of  retina,  Corneal  function,
                                  Physiology of vision & accommodation, Sense of smell - nasal mucosa, tongue,
                                  taste buds. Ear-Mechanism of hearing and function of semicircular canal.
                            1.9  Reproductive System: Anatomy - Gross & History of Male reproductive system
                                  -  Spermatogenesis.  Female  reproductive  system  -  Ovarian  harmones,
                                  Menstruation, Pregnancy, Parturition, Lactation.
                            1.10  Nervous  System  :  Anatomy  -  Gross  -  Cerebrum,  cerebellum,  Spinal  cord.
                                  Histology - Nerve - structure and properties of neurons - Nerve - Action
                                  Potential  -  generation  propagation  -  factors  influencing.  Classification  of
                                  neurons and nerve fibers Receptors and reflex arc. Functions and important
                                  connections  of   Cerebrum,  Pons,  Medulla,  Thalamus,  Hypothalamus,

                                  Cerebellum - Autonomic nervous system - Sympathetic and parasympathetic -
                                  anatomy & functions.
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